Friday, November 13, 2009

Digital Marketing Tips

Digital Marketing is the practice of promoting products and services using digital distribution channels to reach consumers in a timely, relevant, personal and cost-effective manner.

Whilst digital marketing does include many of the techniques and practices contained within the category of Internet Marketing, it extends beyond this by including other channels with which to reach people that do not require the use of The Internet. As a result of this non-reliance on the Internet, the field of digital marketing includes a whole host of elements such as mobile phones, sms/mms, display / banner ads and digital outdoor.

Paid Search Marketing
Paid search is not new to the Australian market, but many businesses are still yet to benefit from this cost effective and measurable form of advertising. Google AdWords provides the ability to set up a free account, and will step you through the process of creating a campaign. With however the vast proportion of companies advertising on Google, much cheaper paid search opportunities exist on the Yahoo & Ninemsn network through Yahoo Search Marketing.
With 11% of all Australian searches conducted on this network and only 3.7% of total search advertising conducted on this network it can provide a lower cost alternative channel for promotion. And the best bit is that you can set your daily budget on these networks to control your costs.

Prepare A Press Release & Distribute It Online
Distributing a press release online can be an effective way of increasing traffic and bringing engaged users to your site. There are many tools available online to distribute PR releases.

One such company providing PR distribution to Australian media channels is

For as little as $100, seeking media can distribute press releases to a plethora of media channels including Google News Australia. This site also provides tools to assist you to prepare a release which is informative, newsworthy and is likely to be published.
And the best bit is that any online PR conducted will also assist you to improve your SEO rankings.

Another free tool available to the masses is that of blogging. When it comes to blogging you also have a few options available. If you have a lot of valuable information to provide to users, why not consider setting up a blog on your site. You can obtain a free blog from and place it on your domain. The added benefit of a blog is also that search engines love content so by having a blog you may also improve your search rankings.

The other opportunity is to find other sites which you can blog on. If you choose this route it is important to understand that plastering your message on every forum and blog you can find is not the most effective way to leverage these sites. Use your expertise to help people and as part of this subtly include your company contact details. This will help you to position yourself as an authority on a given subject.

Social Networking Ads
As nearly half of all Australians have a profile on a social network, and the average time users spend on these networks at nearly 30 minutes per week this is another low cost opportunity to exploit.
Both MySpace & Facebook offer pay per click advertising opportunities as low as USD $.15 cents per click. Best of all both the MySpace & Facebook networks offer targeting options to ensure your advertising reaches your desired audience.

Article Distribution
In the digital age where content is king, sites are always on the look out for new content. On many community/networking based sites organisations have the ability to upload articles/resources on a range of topics. In addition articles can be loaded to article specific sites which can be listed on the site as well as can be re-printed on other sites.